First blog post! (again)

First blog post! (again)

If I calculated it correctly, this blog is literally my 5th attempt to build a place, where I’ll be able to share my thoughts. This time is a little bit different tho, if I’d be completely honest with you and, most important, with myself.

What is the difference? First of all, I accepted the fact, that there is almost 100% chance, that noone will ever read it, so the big idea behind all this is to just properly formulate and structure my thoughts. Second thing is that I’ve never spent so much efforts to build my own personal space. It could be, obviously, a bad thing, but I honestly enjoyed it and I see a lot of potential improvements here.

This time I decided to use Astro as a main tool, since I wanted to build my blog practically from scratch: no prebuilt themes, no “we will do it for you without your efforts”, etc. I’m very interested in web development right now, I’m tired of iOS development (that I’ve been doing for 10+ years already), so, I assume, this is the spark that I’ve needed so much. Web tooling is a specific topic, that I’d like to cover in future posts, but I was genuinely impressed how easy and conveniently you can create great things. For example, I picked Tailwind for styling and I don’t think, that I’ll be able to look at iOS development styling without being depressed, haha.

As I said, there are a lot of things, that I’d like to fix/improve, but firstly I will probably focus on pretty basic but important stuff: dark/light mode, adaptive layout for different screens and scripts to avoid manual posts creation.

I won’t promise to myself to post with regular schedule here, but I’m sure, that I will post from time to time, and for now it’s enough to start something.

See you later, future me, and see you later, potential reader.